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The Table and Territory.

The Project.

The Table and Territory is a transdisciplinary European cooperation project to develop and link a community of cultural actors that act for ecology and sustainable food across Europe. The project is implemented by six leading European players in the field of art, ecology and territories: Zone Sensible (France), Campo Adentro (Spain), ArtMill (Czech Republic), Locus Athens (Greece), the PAV – Parco Arte Vivente (Italy), under the coordination of a key player in the art and ecology scene: COAL (France) and in conjunction with institutional partners and associated scientists including the French laboratory LADYSS-CNRS.


Jorgge Menna Barreto (BRAZIL)

Denise Davis (USA/CZ)

Tomaš Hrůza, Andrea Průchová-Hrůzová (CZ)

Ana Quiroz (MEXICO)

Veronika Šrek Bromová (CZ)

Miloš Šejn (CZ)

Hana Novaková (CZ)

Javier Orcoray (SPAIN)

Martin Zet (CZ)

ArtFarm Research Project


September 26. - 28. 8. 2020 at ArtBarn Gallery, virtual and limited in-person event with participating artists.

2021: On-site performance by Martin Zet, virtual exhibition and tour of ArtMill's permaculture gardens.


Publication Art, Farming, and Food for the Future, Transforming Agriculture by Barbara L. Benish and Nathalie Blanc. 

Publication You Are Here, guides to community living and permaculture by Gabriela BK and the ArtFarm Research Collective.


2020: In the midst of Covid, we reoriented to the digital space and hosted an online film festival focused around agriculture and art.

2021: Alongside the Apocalypse music festival, Seeds^7 offered local seed exchange from ArtMill's heirloom seed bank,



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